U router with published IPv4 NTCP2 host/port/i
IRC logs:
<orignal> zzz, you asked me about example of unreachable NTCP2 with i, IP and port
<orignal> for example ZzrG
<orignal> caps NU
<orignal> NTCP2 has IP, port and i
<orignal> non reachable
<orignal> I can give you more examples
<orignal> Vort has prepared the fresh list for me
<zzz> orignal, I need the full hash for one of them so I can look it up, thanks
<orignal> ZzrG9i1oCy8Xcuy7vYLoWNiGOLsa6pOIAm6AaWlZViE=
<zzz> got it, thanks
<orignal> or full collection http://privatebin.i2p/?678709af651f0a30#65wrpK7g8p9KQ9o3o617XNY5g63bHLBCmz74sWByKhCt
<orignal> all of them are like this
<zzz> I'll research both how it happens, and whether this is legal or not
<orignal> think about if an address has both ipv4 and ipv6
<orignal> how we know which address is good
<zzz> ok, for another day. Working on the MR to fix the handling of i2pds with zero itag values
<orignal> just don't forget
<orignal> we rely on addreses rather than caps
<orignal> now we have to check foor U
<zzz> have you previously discussed this with eyedeekay or is this something new?
<orignal> yes I did
<orignal> he was going to "take a look"
<zzz> ok, so I'll need to coordinate with him
<zzz> did you enter a ticket on our gitlab, or do you know if he did?
<orignal> no I don't know
<orignal> he only agreed it was not right
<zzz> pretty sure if we're directly connected to a public IP we will publish it even if U, but will take some research
<zzz> may also be state machine problems
<zzz> please pass along my thanks to Vort
<zzz> eyedeekay, please let me know if you did take a look and if there's a ticket
<eyedeekay> OK got my notes
<eyedeekay> 1. Can't get rid of U cap atm, we use it
<eyedeekay> 2. U cap is one we sort of trust routers to not lie about
<eyedeekay> 3. Presence of i could maybe be treated as indicating unreachability
<eyedeekay> 4. Does presence of both addresses and introducers indicate circumstances that require additional handling? What causes it to happen and what routers do it?
<zzz> is there a ticket?
<zzz> agreed with 1 and 2, we do use 3 in some places, the 2nd q is 4 is the key, did you make any progress there?
<eyedeekay> Yeah just a sec trying to make sense of this little chart I drew but didn't label adequately
<orignal> same question as before
<orignal> you have ipv4 unreachable and ipv6 is reachable
<orignal> you publish R and i for both. or what?
<orignal> I don't understand the logic with two addresses
<orignal> if 3. is correct statemment than it's a bug
<orignal> with see i in NTCP2 adress but it's not reachable
<zzz> look, I don't think it's that complicated
<zzz> I think we transitioned from R to U but didn't remove host/port/i from the IPv4 NTCP2 address
<zzz> and it's probably my bug
<zzz> but awaiting answers from eyedeekay
<eyedeekay> I think I was off on the wrong track, I seem to have been trying to figure out what was right to publish if one address was reachable and one was not
<zzz> the logic is, U means no reachable addresses; R means at least one reachable address, that's the way it is and the way it's always been
RI for example router referenced by orignal:
Router: ZzrG9i1oCy8Xcuy7vYLoWNiGOLsa6pOIAm6AaWlZViE=
Published: 91 sec ago
Signing Key: EdDSA_SHA512_Ed25519
Encryption Key: ECIES_X25519
Routing Key: 1nlNrueZStoC-kp2EKfmutEbTmt~6ZZQHzIF2tnAKR8=
RAP? false RAR? true
Addresses: NTCP2: cost: 14 caps: 6 s: c0aJP4tfZ5Qxh5NxZlIAChk3-djVyA-2E4rg2k3nKmQ= v: 2
NTCP2: host: i: S4gLMnkdspH6dK84qu65Og== port: 38622 s: c0aJP4tfZ5Qxh5NxZlIAChk3-djVyA-2E4rg2k3nKmQ= v: 2
SSU: cost: 6 caps: B6 i: invI6cITCaXupsE~08EH7qmZ61QPH~wYJqRvwiTCEDA= iexp0: 1695218156 iexp1: 1695217576 ih0: yium-Sxj5uypx6ahRIztM8CRaF1BMKJz8FhHB8pslZo= ih1: ZwkirleIclYRtsX7q0KYY1mQdQ8Geo4kEjAscOXhku8= itag0: 3274571740 itag1: 4014727942 key: vG0RcJnu12Ppg4BajjMBsN01uD-CRqQ3D75wzhkCqKM= mtu: 1488 s: 4WlBCOfJ-fxR2YS9gR~UBg87hApr7EwuSnu1JGEjLGk= v: 2
SSU: cost: 7 caps: B4 i: invI6cITCaXupsE~08EH7qmZ61QPH~wYJqRvwiTCEDA= iexp0: 1695214954 iexp1: 1695218156 ih0: NV4NLumM71m6lHHzq-VWT1fJpChvLTJGh~kxo44cbjM= ih1: TA2mvhC-0oZaMzAAEvObwEgdPMc-d15XneIMDVMt~kY= itag0: 1156448121 itag1: 3978565359 key: vG0RcJnu12Ppg4BajjMBsN01uD-CRqQ3D75wzhkCqKM= s: 4WlBCOfJ-fxR2YS9gR~UBg87hApr7EwuSnu1JGEjLGk= v: 2
Stats: caps = NU
netId = 2
router.version = 0.9.59